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Homemade organic and natural perfume

1-What is Organic Perfume
Organic perfumes are made up of natural products and contain none of the additional chemicals and synthetic scents that commercial perfumes are made from.
They are manufactured using pure essential oils which not only offer an amazing variety of scents but which also contain therapeutic benefits, so in addition to smelling great, your perfumes could also be treating any ailments or long term health conditions you may have.
In contrast, many commercial perfumes can cause health problems and/or exacerbate some conditions you may already be suffering from, such as allergic reactions, headaches, hormone disruption, increased severity of asthma or eczema conditions, thyroid complications and a suppressed immune system.
These health risks are caused by the chemicals which are included in the perfume recipes and which, because of the secrecy clauses included in the manufacture of commercially branded perfumes, are often undisclosed on the product packaging.
For the average person who uses commercial perfumes once or twice a week, this should cause no real problems but for those who regularly use it at least once a day it I worth remembering that around 60% of the perfume you wear will be absorbed into the bloodstream. As much of the perfume is made up of chemicals and contains very little natural scent, this is a lot of unnatural products you are absorbing and carrying around in your body.
2-How is Organic Perfume Made?
Before you begin to make your perfume you must decide what strength you want to make, what type of perfume you would like and what sort of scent you require. There are five different perfume strengths for feminine perfumes and three main strengths for masculine scents.
Parfum (Perfume) and Cologne
Perfume and cologne are the strongest scents of the perfume types. They contain between 15 – 40% of essential oils to 60 – 85% of dilution substance. As such, these are also the most expensive to purchase, but this cost is dramatically reduced when making it yourself at home.
Espirit de Parfum/Cologne
This is the least common strength of commercial perfumes but works well for home manufacture. It is made up of between 15 – 30% of essential oils which allows for the option of a lower cost perfume while still retaining a strong aroma.
Eau de Parfum
This strength tends to be the most popular blend as it carries much of the intensity of a full perfume but is light enough for day wear and strong enough nightwear. It uses between 10 – 20% essential oils.
Eau de Toilette
Using just 5 – 15% essential oil, this is a much lighter variety than Eau de Parfum and works well as a daytime scent.
Eau de Cologne
This is a light masculine scent which is generally used for daytime or work in place of the heavier scent of full Cologne. It is made using only 3 – 8% essential oils, but as masculine scents tend to be fuller bodied than feminine scents it is often equivalent to a feminine Eau de Toilette.
Eau Fraiche
Eau Fraiche is more of a lightly fragranced body spray than a perfume and is typically made using water or a mix of oil/water or alcohol/water. They contain only 1 – 3% essential oils.
Perfume Types
Once you have decided on the strength of perfume you wish to make, you need to decide on the composition of your scent.
Natural perfumes can be made using liquid oils such as almond or jojoba, solids such as coconut oil or Shea butter which can be mixed with a natural wax or you can use alcohol, water or both to make spray perfumes.
Oil Based Perfumes
Liquid oils, (also known as carrier oils), are an inexpensive and popular choice for natural home-made perfumes. They blend well with the essential oils, are easy to apply and are quickly absorbed into the skin.
Many carrier oils also provide their own therapeutic properties which work well with the individual or combined properties of the essential oils being used in your scent.
Spray Perfumes
This type of fragrance is made using an alcohol base. Perfume alcohol can be used but plain vodka works just as well and often costs considerably less. Alternatively, if you like the aroma of a particular spirit, such as brandy, whiskey or rum, this can also be used but you must take care to ensure that the alcohol scent does not override the essential oils. Also, the overall scent of the oils will change slightly when mixed with scented alcohol so you will need to experiment if you would like to try this option.
Caution: The alcohol will evaporate once it is in contact with the air but this does not happen immediately so this method must be avoided if the perfume/cologne is designed for someone with a current or previous alcohol problem.
Solid Perfumes
Solids are the most convenient type of perfume is you wish to carry it with you for re-application throughout the day. They are compact and do not leak making them easy to slip into a bag or pocket.
They are made using firm oils or butters and wax. Additionally, they are usually inexpensive to package as they require only a small tin or jar.
Body Sprays
These are the most inexpensive type of perfume to make but they are also the lightest as they contain very small quantities of essential oils compared with the stronger perfumes.
Most often these are made only from a blend of essential oils and water, but can also be manufactured using a dilution mix of either carrier oil and water or alcohol and water.
Perfume Pyramid
Although it may appear as simple as mixing together a few oils with a diluting product, perfume making is actually a little more technical than that. All good scents contain three different layers of fragrance.
3-Perfume Recipes
Alcohol/Water Based Perfume
1 ½ tbsp vodka or alcohol base
½ tbsp distilled water
30 drops of essential oils
1. Blend alcohol and water and mix in the essential oil blend.
2. Shake well.
This produces a high strength perfume to be used sparingly.
Alcohol/Water Based Cologne
1 ½ tbsp vodka or alcohol base
½ tbsp distilled water
22 drops of essential oils
1. As with Alcohol/Water Based Perfume
Base Oil Perfume
1 tbsp carrier oil of your choice
25 drops of essential oils
1. Blend all ingredients together and store in an airtight container, (preferably a dark container, alternatively, store out of direct sunlight).
Alcohol/Oil Based Eau de Perfume
2 tbsp carrier oil
6 tablespoons vodka
2½ tbsp distilled water
30 drops essential oil
1. Mix together carrier oil and essential oils.
2. Add the vodka and distilled water.
3. Shake well.
Oil Based Perfume
1 tbsp carrier oil
18 drops essential oils
1. Mix together well and decant into a roller ball container.
Oil/Water Based Body Spray
28ml carrier oil
28ml distilled water
10 drops essential oil
1. Combine ingredients and shake well
2. Store in a water spray bottle
Solid Perfumes
Recipe 1
3½g beeswax
14ml jojoba oil
7 drops essential oil
1. In a double burner, (or a bowl over a pan of simmering water), melt beeswax and jojoba oil.
2. Once melted, stir together and remove from heat.

3. Allow to cool slightly and stir in essential oils.
4. Pour mixture into containers.
Recipe 2
1 tbsp shredded beeswax
1 tbsp unrefined coconut oil
3 tbsp carrier oil
60 drops essential oil
1. In a double burner, melt beeswax, carrier oil and coconut oil.
2. Repeat steps 2 – 4 from the above recipe.
